
2017年7月10日 |

Hello, Genten lovers!\(^o^)/
This is Maria to report my latest lesson training, supporting Yuji
coach, at one of his favorite courses: the Rokko Country Club.
The weather forecast warned us of rain through out the day. We were a
bit worried.

Even though the weather was not very promising, many people came. We
are very thankfull that you made the effort to come and join us(ᵔᴥᵔ).

The day started at 9:00 am with registration.

Here is Yuji coach giving all of his attention to a couple of
newcomers. Welcome to Genten!♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

Then we went through counseling, one person at a time, asking what our
customers want to work on.

After counseling, came the time to go to the driving range.

This is the opportunity we have to see and understand our students’
natural swing, and we work on them the best way we can.

Then lunch break came. I hope our students had plenty of time to relax
in between lessons.

Time to hit the course! Today’s program is Genten. No sign of rain, thank God!!!

Yuji is explaining us how to hit from an upwards lie, which is pretty
difficult. Yuji has a contagious laugh. I just see him teach and
interact with the students in a way that I hope I can do it too!(o^^o)

Then, we played 3 holes. It was great to see how everyone performed.

What about Kansaiben? I love how friendly it sounds(*´∇`*)

Back to the club house, we asked the students for some feed-back. We
want to make sure everyone has had a productive day.

After our good-byes, these hydrangeas looked at us like saying: please
come again Genten members, you all are very welcome to come back

Please, have in mind that we are improving the way we interact with
our customers everyday so, in order to keep track with the News in our
website you will need to access it with the new ID and password we
provide + create a new password as soon as you can.

Let’s gather together as a team, for a greater golf experience!!!

Best of luck(^O^☆♪





マリア プリシラ イイダ

マリア プリシラ イイダ



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